BOYCOTT CATL (100/101) 20 April 2012: 127 people died 1,56 mi (2,5 km) from the runway of Benazir Bhutto International Airport in Pakistan

The aviation disaster in the title [1], [2] is part of a referendum initiative in Hungary:

It is outrageously wicked that the Debrecen Local Election Office (LEO) and the Local Election Committee (LEC) in Hungary claim that the referendum initiative containing the tragedy is "frivolous" and "subjective" [3], [4]. The LEO-LEC has desecrated the memory of those who died in aviation disasters!

My name is Zoltán Bíró. This article is my opinion. I present the fight I am waging as a Hungarian citizen, a resident of Debrecen, against CATL, the world's largest lithium battery manufacturer and against the Orbánist dictatorship in Hungary!

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! Do not finance an industrial catastrophe! CATL is investing €7.3 billion to build one of the world's largest battery factories in Hungary, near Debrecen International Airport. [5] The Chinese giant's 100 GWh battery factory in Debrecen will be around five times the size of Tesla's current gigafactory in Nevada. [6] Air travel is mostly safe. Unfortunately, there are always accidents. Air accidents are much more frequent in the immediate vicinity of airports than elsewhere. [7], [8] CATL is a huge chemical plant! If hazardous chemicals are released into the atmosphere after a plane crash, that can result in a huge industrial catastrophe. Workers at the plant and people in the surrounding area could die en masse. The problem is not with the CATL investment, but with the location of the investment. CATL is taking an unjustified and disproportionate risk by building next to the airport. The TESLA battery plant in Nevada was built far from Nevada airports. EVE POWER is building a battery factory in Debrecen, far from the airport. The example of EVE POWER proves that not all Chinese companies are as irresponsible as CATL! I believe that TESLA and EVE POWER agree with what a friend of mine said about CATL's choice of location: 

"It's a problem that can't be fixed later, but it can be prevented now."

I have created a new word because of CATL's investment in Debrecen. "Catlastrophe" means a disaster caused by unjustified or excessive human risk-taking. It happens, for example, when a person goes up a volcano during a volcanic eruption and dies, or when someone builds a house in a flood-prone area and the house is later flooded.

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! Do not increase the likelihood of aviation disasters in Debrecen! The technology used by CATL uses massive amounts of water, 85% of which is released into the atmosphere as water vapour. [9] Debrecen is the largest city in the Great Hungarian Plain. The Great Hungarian Plain is located in the Carpathian Basin. Because of the Carpathian Basin, the average wind speed in the Great Hungarian Plain is much lower than elsewhere. In winter, cold air stops in the Carpathian Basin. During this period, air pollutants are not blown out of Hungarian cities by the wind. Debrecen often has very poor air quality in winter. In Debrecen, particulate matter (PM10) exceeded the health limit on 30 days in 2013 and on 60 days in 2014. [10] I believe that in such weather conditions, weak winds cannot blow away the water vapour emitted by CATL. The water vapour will regularly cover the airport of Debrecen in a fog, which will negatively impact visibility. Poor visibility will make the operation of Debrecen airport impossible and increase the likelihood of aviation accidents. I believe that CATL can cause aviation accidents if it constantly causes poor visibility at Debrecen International Airport.

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! Do not support a company that produces a more flammable product than its competitors. Unfortunately, the number of fires caused by lithium batteries is growing rapidly. In 2022, 216 fires were caused by lithium batteries in New York City, injuring 147 and killing 6 people. [11] These fires are very difficult to put out. With so many fires, US firefighters are asking manufacturers to redesign their batteries so that if they fail, the resulting fire can be more easily extinguished. CATL batteries are more flammable than some competitors' batteries. One of CATL's competitors is the Chinese CALB. The two companies have similar names. CALB batteries do not emit oxygen while producing electricity, therefore posing less of a fire risk. [12], [13]. CATL's management is irresponsible: they are building a factory in Debrecen in a dangerous location, where they produce a more flammable product than their competitors. The CATL factory in Debrecen will produce a huge number of batteries. I believe that if a crashing plane hits the batteries, it could cause a huge firestorm. A firestorm can kill many people. Manufacturers should adopt the US firefighters' proposal! If manufacturers do not listen to the firefighters' advice, the laws on the sales of electric cars should be changed: Car dealers should be required to inform prospective buyers about the degree of fire risk of the batteries installed in their vehicles.

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! Do not support corruption with your purchases. Corruption is rampant in Hungary. Hungary is considered the most corrupt country in the EU. [14] The Orbán government is using Hungarian and EU taxpayers' money to subsidise investments. A part of the subsidies go directly and indirectly into the pockets of people close to Viktor Orbán's party. Viktor Orbán's family members have become extremely rich. Orbán gives hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers' money to CATL. Why???

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! Support democracy instead. There are ongoing demonstrations and protests against CATL in Debrecen. The Orbánist politicians do not want to listen to the people. We have initiated several referendums against CATL. Others as well as I. Debrecen was a democratic city in 2022. LEO-LEC still allowed referendums then. At the beginning of 2023, democracy died in Debrecen! I myself have initiated 138 referendums in 2023 in Debrecen. Others have also initiated referendums. The LEO and LEC serving Viktor Orbán refused everything. Almost three hundred times! [15] Why does Viktor Orbán not want the people of Debrecen to decide? Why is CATL more important to Orbán than the people of Debrecen?

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! Fight against alternative facts! The decisions of the LEO and the LEC are based on alternative facts. I have called attention to aviation disasters in the immediate vicinity of airports in 101 referendum initiatives. Because of the large number of rejections, I have also put forward referendum initiatives that "only" warn of the danger. For example:

"Do you agree that the Debrecen Municipality Board of Representatives should warn the people of Debrecen that the construction of CATL's giant chemical plant in the immediate vicinity of the Debrecen International Airport poses a danger, as aviation disasters are much more frequent near airports than elsewhere; let's think of the tragedy on 20/04/2012 for example, in which 127 people died, about 2,5 km from the runway of Benazir Bhutto International Airport  in Pakistan?

According to the LEO-LEC, the 101 referendum questions are "obviously frivolous" and "subjective". [3] [4] The LEO-LEC has desecrated the memory of those who died in aviation disasters! 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101

The problem is not with the CATL investment, but with the location of the investment. CATL is taking an unjustified and disproportionate risk by building next to the airport. It seems that the LEO-LEC does not believe that a plane could crash in Debrecen and that an industrial disaster could occur.  It reminds me of the scene from Monty Python's Eric the Viking: This is Not Happening.

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery! I am calling for an international boycott, because we Hungarians are powerless. We cannot defeat the alliance of interests of CATL and Viktor Orbán. An international boycott could stop CATL's investment near Debrecen Airport. CATL currently has a market capitalisation of USD 140 billion. Please speculate on the fall of the CATL share price on the stock exchange! You can help us a lot by sharing this news! Your help is also needed!

© Zoltán Bíró

Do not buy an electric car with a CATL battery!

"It's a problem that can't be fixed later, but it can be prevented now."

[2] Bhoja Air Flight 213
[3] 159-269_2023. (IV. 26.) HVI vezetői határozatok: 
[4] 59-170_2023_v19_hvb_hatarozatok_kozzetetel_napja_20230519.pdf 
[5] Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei kormányhivatal: Ügyiratszám: HB/17-JHNY/00002-222/2023.  A tervezett és jelen eljárásban engedélyezett akkumulátor gyártó üzem a Debreceni Nemzetközi Repülőtér, a 47. sz. főút, a 481. sz. út, illetve a Tócó-patak által lehatárolt területen lévő Debreceni Déli Gazdasági Övezetbe települ, a Debrecen 0495/267 hrsz-ú ingatlanra a 481. sz. úttól északra és a 106- os számú Debrecen-Sáránd-Nagykereki vasútvonaltól keletre. 
[6] 中国企业和匈牙利小镇的电动车热潮 
[7] Plane Crash Statistics :
[8] Aviation and Plane Crash Statistics,  
[9] Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei kormányhivatal: Ügyiratszám: HB/17-JHNY/00002-222/2023 A felhasznált víz közel 85 %-a párolgási veszteségként a légkörbe távozik..
[11] An exploding problem: Fires sparked by lithium batteries are confoundingfirefighter 
[12] CALB vs CATL: Can Two Battery Pigs Both Fly?  
[14] Hungary seen as most corrupt country in the EU, study finds 
[15] Debrecen: Választás: Tájékoztató: Aktuális információk: 


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